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16th September 2014

Malta Internet Foundation Mobile App 2014 Prize

The Malta Internet Foundation announces a competition to stimulate the design and development of innovative apps which exploit mobile technology and which address a clear need that is demonstrably relevant to the Maltese context. Submissions should address any of the following areas:

  • Health

  • Education

  • Transport

  • Productivity

  • Tourism

  • Heritage

  • Environment

  • Commerce

  • Entertainment

Evaluation Criteria

  • Originality

  • Relevance to Maltese context

  • Scope and Functionality

  • Ease of Deployment

  • Overall quality

  • Presentation of submission

Submission Categories

Participants submit entries under one of the following categories: S1, S2, P1, P2.

S1 and S2 are for full time students at different stages of educational development. In both cases the aim is to encourage students to try their hand at app creation and to reward excellence.

  • S1: For participants in secondary schools including 6th form. The winner will receive a voucher for a high-end smart device.

  • S2: For participants in tertiary education: University, MCAST etc. The winner will receive a cash prize of €1000.

P1 and P2 target participants with professional involvement in the app development. The reason for the two categories is to distinguish developers from those who commission development.

  • P1: For participants who are themselves self-employed app developers.

  • P2: For corporate entities who commission the development of apps by third parties.

Prizes in both professional categories will receive an official commemorative plaque bearing the seal of NIC(Malta).


  • The competition is open to individuals or teams, the prize being shared equally by team members.

  • Student participants shall be full-time students of any nationality attending recognised Maltese educational institutions, or Maltese students enrolled full-time in foreign educational institutions.

  • Professional participants shall be residents of Malta or representatives of Maltese-registered companies.

Submission Procedure

Submissions comprise a functioning app that works on one of the popular mobile platforms together with (i) an indication of the intended submission category (ii) a brief written description, maximum 4 pages, describing how the app meets the evaluation criteria mentioned above (iii) proof of resident and/or student status, as appropriate, and full contact details.

The principal author, or the commissioning entity in the case of P2, should submit an installable copy of the app together with documentation in softcopy on DVD to: Mobile App 2014 Prize, Malta Internet Foundation, c/o IT Services Reception Desk, University Campus, Msida MSD 2080.


Deadline for Submission: 19th December 2014; Announcement of Winners: March 2015.

Any queries should be addressed to with subject line `Mobile App Competition'.

About the Malta Internet Foundation

The Malta Internet Foundation, also known as NIC(Malta), was officially inaugurated in January 1999 and is responsible for managing the .mt top-level domain for Malta. The mission of the Malta Internet Foundation also includes activities to promote use of the Internet in Malta.


16th September 2014